Fashion Blog of a Newbie


Booties are Out?! =O

According to booties are out! I can't believe it, well actually I can, seeing that I'm usually behind on trends, but booties really?! Well I just bought these Suede & Grey booties from Charlotte Russe and I'm just going to have to be "last season". Teenvouge how could you? I look to you for your style expertise and you take away my booties! After getting over that shocker i have the task of actually learning how to walk in these dream boats. After several hours of wearing out my carpet with strides across my room my mom made me aware of some important information. The linoleum tiled flooring of school doesn't compare at all to our carpet. Urgg , her and her motherly wisdom. Well I'm off to practice my strut (in my kitchen) and prepare for school. In the mean time...

Stay Awesome,
