Fashion Blog of a Newbie


80's Prom Queen

This happens to be my most prized THRIFT STORE FIND of the last couple of months. When purchased it had sleeves but being Me it was all ready destined to get altered. So far i have gotten to where it twice, once as a 80's Zombie then as a 80's Vampire at prom. Oh what makeup,fake blood,& fangs can do! Although it was ment to be purely a halloween costume it just might find it's self at my next formal dance.

Nor' Easter

I do not get wasted,drunk,hammered or smashed. Like a lady, i simply get tipsy in the most sophisticated manner. KIDDING IM ABOVE THE INFLUENCE! i just couldn't resist using this Calfornia Merlot(housewarming gift from years ago) as a prop. After spending 2 days stuck in your house becuase of major flooding you'd probably resort to taking miscellaneous pictures in your not so well lit living room too.
Until next time, which may be very soon...
Stay awesome,
- V!


im baaaack..

OK So i havent done this in a minute(more like an hour). I've been oh so busy with school, which is kicking my butt! I've seemed to have lost my inspiration but im getting it back so i decided to start with this! Im dtermined that i will blog more often, i think i need it to keep from going insane! THERE WILL BE MORE TO COME pinky promise, if anyone cares. But until next time...
